Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And we're off...

Well, we finally did it. After about 8-9 months of planning and putting this all together, we are off. We left Pella today amidst a final flurry of activity in which we tried to pack for our trip, settle up all remaining business in town, and leave our home in show condition so that our realtor can show it any time while we are gone.
That being said, we did finally make it off on our trip. Our first stop today was Brandon SD where we had the opportunity to join my family for my brother Kyle's 30th birthday which was really great. After several years of living many hours from home, it was nice to be here for an occassion like a birthday.
Everything still feels a little sureal. I don't suppose that the whole idea that we are "unemployed" has really set in yet. I guess we just feel like we are on vacation yet. I suppose over the next few days and weeks, it will start to feel a little more real.
Bambi and I got a chance to reflect on our decision on the way home and agreed that we already miss our friends in Pella but we really do feel that this was the right choice for us.
Tomorrow we'll get a chance to go around town and see some family that we haven't seen in way too long. But first, we hope to start the day with a good bike ride... hopefully the first of many!

1 comment:

Dude Landshark said...

If you think my tax dollars are going to support you unemployed lifestyle, you have another thing coming.... Have a blast and bike safely!